Auteur Sujet: Apache Labs ANAN-100  (Lu 6037 fois)

Hors ligne VA2NA Guillaume

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Apache Labs ANAN-100
« le: 05 Avril 2015, 11:51:40 »
Apache Labs ANAN-100

Depuis 1 an et demi j'utilise le ANAN-100 sous les diverses versions proposés de logiciel et également de firmware.
  l'historique des dernières versions ce trouve sur ce blog et nous informe également plus techniquement des nouvelles features.

Au niveau des performances en RX et en TX, mes essaies en lab m'ont permit de constater que les spécifications sont justes.

Au niveau de la pré-distorsion même son de cloche, soi avec la correction interne ou externe à l'aide d'un sonde de couplage sur l'ensemble de la chaine RF ( AMPLIFICATEUR LINEAIRE ) mes résultats sont spectaculaires.  Jamais un signal si pur n'a été transmit auparavant ou du moins sur les transceiver de production.  La différence est plus notable sur les amplificateurs à transistor car ceux si on souvent tendance à être moins propre que ceux a tube.  (IMD)  Je peux d’ailleurs ajouter des photos avant et après pour ceux que ca intéresse ( j'ai quelques amplificateurs à la maison pour faire des plotting ( 3-500z, MRF 150 )

Pour les fanatiques du ESSB, il s'agit du radio le mieux adapté et le plus versatile.  La facilité a jouer avec les largeurs de bande, et également la possibilité d'incorporé une DAW en format ASIO sur un câble virtuel ( VAC ) facilite grandement l’interfaçage avec en contrepartie une latence additionnel. 

Apache labs offre différent modèles cependant il faut bien en comprendre les subtilité et bien évaluer vos besoins.


« Modifié: 05 Avril 2015, 11:54:23 par VA2NA Guillaume »


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Re : Apache Labs ANAN-100
« Réponse #1 le: 05 Avril 2015, 13:20:33 »

il et bon de preciser aussit que Apache Labs vende uniquement le radio (hardware)
le software et developer par plusieur bebevole en opensource et suporter par la comunauter (yayou group en autre)
en fait meme la documetation et fait par la comunauter de facon benevole

pour avoir un radio fonctionnel sa prent le radio (hardware)  ET le software open source

vu la nature du radio en SDR(Software Definised Radio)  les performance et fonction sont definie par la fusion du hard et du soft
en autre la pre-distorsion et un fonction du lociciel PC opensource openHPSDR, quit fonctionne sur un couple de radio , le plut populaire eten le apache labs.

et ses las que sa peux devenir floue de demeler les feature du radio VS cell du software  et quit fait qoit  ,dailleur apache lab exploite a leur aventage tres bien se floue...

meme si tres diferent dun radio convetionel  ou dun flex quit eux font le soft et le hard  ,ses des tres bon radio et tres performant
perso jaime mieux mon flex mait ses aussit  2 x le prix  :o  et pas vraiment plut performent  ( jait eu les 2 radio side by side pour un bon 30 jour)

bref meme si je deteste le patron de apache labs  ,je suit obliger de dire que ses un des le meilleur radio pour la qualiter VS le prix

faux juste pas oblier que il faix donne le credit au benevole du TARP (HPSDR) pour le develpmemt du radio et du software ( a leur frait )


Hors ligne VA2NA Guillaume

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Re : Apache Labs ANAN-100
« Réponse #2 le: 05 Avril 2015, 13:52:06 »
Tout à fait Marc, les develloper sont les responsables de si beau c.est d'ailleur pour ca que ya eux autant d'évolution dans si peu de force du open source.  Flex on du bon matériel mais il est a mon avis impossible d'avoir autant de brain force qui font évoluer leur software...


Hors ligne VA2JOT Jacques

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Re : Apache Labs ANAN-100
« Réponse #3 le: 05 Avril 2015, 15:47:52 »
Flex on du bon matériel mais il est a mon avis impossible d'avoir autant de brain force qui font évoluer leur software... Ajoutes aussi le fait indéniable que c'est très rare qu'un fab va investir dans le développement de features qui ne soit pas considéré prioritaires telque la prédistortion par exemple.

A cet égard, quelqu'un commentait récemment dans un rubrique traitant de radios de qualité contest que corriger la  prédistortion allait à l'encontre de la statégie d'un nombre grandissant de contesters dans le sens que c'était bien connu que les radios "salauds" engendreurs de mousaches avaient la cote parce qu'ils faisaient le ménage autour d'une station très recherchée.

En d'autres mots, plus ton signal est propre, moins t'as de chances d'être entendu dans une pile-up. Ce n'est donc probablement pas une coïncidence qu'un grand nombre des radios HF hauts en gamme vendus depuis les 5 dernières années s'adonnent à être plus salauds en IMD et bruit de phase de synthétiseur que leurs prédécesseurs malgré le fait que que le savoir faire et le hardware à évolué dans l'autre sens.

Bien qu'il soit maintenant plus facile de designer des radios propres, c'a tout l'air qu'il n'y a pas assez de demande. C'est ce qu'ont répondu Flex quand une connaissance s'est informé s'ils avaient l'intention de développer une sorte de Feed Forward Predistortion. There is not enough demand for that type of feature

Hors ligne VA2NA Guillaume

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Re : Apache Labs ANAN-100
« Réponse #4 le: 25 Avril 2015, 15:01:53 »
Nouvelle version aujourd'hui avec les améliorations suivantes!  YESS

* Further Advancement for NR2. NR2 has been further enhanced with a new
"Gamma" gain method. While the change from the previous NR2 is small, this
further advance has been demonstrated to slightly further reduce background
noise and also to reduce certain audio artifacts of the noise reduction
process. After a database reset, this will become your default gain method
--- so no need to worry about selecting it.

* PureSignal Auto-Attenuate. One of the more difficult parts of PureSignal
setup has been adjusting the attenuator during TX to optimize performance.
There is now an option (selected by default, on the Linearity window) to set
the attenuator automatically for you. When PureSignal begins a calibration,
if the attenuator is not set correctly, it will calculate a new value, turn
itself OFF, apply the new value, and turn itself back ON. In the event that
the initial condition is one of too much attenuation, the new value should
be correctly calculated and applied in a single step. In the event there is
not enough attenuation and the ADC is in overload, multiple steps may be

* Protection for External Linear Amplifiers. Some external amplifier
manufacturers caution users that they must connect "ALC" from the amplifier
to the exciter so that the exciter will reduce drive to protect the
amplifier in the event of certain types of faults, e.g., over-current, arc,
high-SWR, etc. This has not previously been an option with openHPSDR
exciters since no connection has been provided on these exciters. Clyde,
K2UE, has led a project to develop an appropriate hardware interface for
this. Software support has been added to enable the use of this interface.
Documentation will soon be posted and the location announced. While you can
certainly build your own hardware interface from this documentation, also
stay-tuned for a possible future announcement on availability of hardware.

* Workaround for using the Ext1/2/XVTR ports on the rev24 PA board with
receive only antennas. To use a receive only antenna with the 100W ANAN
radios shipped since Feb 2015 you will need to check the "Disable BYPASS"
box located near the bottom of the Setup=>General=>Ant/Filters=>Antenna
page. Please do not use this with previous versions of the PA boards.

* As usual, several bug-fixes and clean-up items.


NR2 has received particularly positive feedback since its introduction a few
weeks ago. While all noise reduction algorithms tend to have some audio
artifacts, the NR2 algorithm has been reported to be quite effective in
reducing background noise without the tiring sound of typical LMS
algorithms. Several people have reported that they leave it enabled all the
time. There have also been a few questions on usage; so, we'll provide some
clarification here.

Activation: NR2 is selected using the same button as NR. From the OFF
state, click once to get NR (the normal SDR LMS type algorithm) and click
again to get NR2 (a very different type of algorithm). Clicking a third time
will get you back to the OFF state.

Noise Reduction and AGC: AGC, if not properly adjusted, is the enemy of
noise reduction algorithms! The reason is simple - AGC's job is to adjust
gain to bring things to the same level, whether those things are two
different signals or a signal and the noise during the speech pauses. So,
when NR/NR2 is trying to reduce noise, if AGC is trying to restore it, they
are in conflict. For proper operation, there are two things to observe:
(1) Set your AGC gain properly, and (2) if you experience AGC-pumping of the
noise level when using NR/NR2, try selecting the "Pre-AGC" use of NR/NR2
rather than having it "Post-AGC".
- AGC gain can most easily be correctly adjusted by displaying the green "G"
line on the panadapter and pulling it up to be a few dB above the noise
floor - experiment and you'll see how it works. To display the line, see
Setup/DSP/AGC-ALC. To move it, "grab" the green square at the left side
using your left mouse button.
- To select Pre-AGC, see Setup/DSP/NR-ANF.

Other Settings: You will note that there are other settings for NR2
available on the Setup/DSP/NR-ANF tab. I recommend you select "Gamma"
as the gain-method, either "OSMS" or "MMSE" as the NPE-method, and leave
AE-Filter checked. These settings match the default settings. In other
words, there's nothing you need to do here. On the other hand, if you wish
to experiment, and if you find some different combination that works better
in some special situation, please let us know! That will be helpful for
future developments.

You WILL need to reset your database for this release.

Thanks & 73,

Doug, W5WC
Warren, NR0V

Hors ligne VA2NA Guillaume

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Re : Apache Labs ANAN-100
« Réponse #5 le: 14 Mai 2015, 08:28:52 »
PowerSDR/OpenHPSDR mRX PS v3.2.27 released‏

Beaucoup de travail sur le VAC et Puresignal  ;D

This release contains the following changes:

* You will now find the FocusMaster feature on the Setup/CAT Control/CAT
tab. This feature is aimed primarily at contest operation and automatically
restores Windows "focus" back to your logging (or other) window after you
make an adjustment in PowerSDR. There are three modes to specify a window to
which you would like focus restored: (1) if you use the N1MM+ Logger, just
select this Mode and PowerSDR will automatically find the input window, (2)
Select by Click - choose this mode and then next Click within the window to
which you'd like focus restored, and (3) Enter Window Title - type in the
text of the window titlebar EXACTLY as it appears. You can also specify a
Delay time, the time between interaction with PowerSDR and return of focus
to the selected window.

For the N1MM+ Logger mode to function, PowerSDR must receive information
from the N1MM+ Logger program identifying the input window. To enable the
N1MM+ program to send this information, a few lines must be added to the
file N1MMLogger.ini . These can be added/modified with a text editor, e.g.,
Notepad, and should read:


Windows Firewall may ask you if it's OK to allow communication between
N1MM+ and PowerSDR to which, of course, you should respond that it is.

Note also that, to allow you sufficient time to configure the FocusMaster,
focus will NOT go to your selected program as long as the Setup/CAT
Control/CAT tab is open.

* Several operators recently reported problems using PureSignal
Auto-Calibrate with their amplifier chains. Based upon very detailed
feedback from a few people, some significant improvements have been made in
the way PureSignal deals with "challenging" amplifier chains. If you were
having difficulty with PureSignal Auto-Calibrate, we encourage you to try
this latest software release.

* John, K5IT has shared his recent code changes that reduces latency using
the VAC feature.
Here is more information about those changes:

* The 120ms minimum latency for VAC output has been removed.

Many users on current versions of windows can achieve much lower latency
than the default 120ms; however, if you can get frequent drop-outs setting
the value too low. 50ms is a reasonable starting point. There is a lot of
variability, so experiment to find what works best in your setup.

* The VAC input and output audio buffers are now dynamically scaled in based
on the latency, buffer size, and sample rate.

The VAC buffer is sized to hold a maximum of twice the number of samples
required to maintain the specified average latency. For example with 48000
sample rate and 50ms latency, the buffer will hold
48000 samples/sec * 0.050 sec * 2 = 4800 samples. The buffer is then rounded
up to the next multiple of the audio buffer size. In this example if we have
selected 1024 as the audio buffer size the VAC buffer will be 4800 rounded
up to the nearest multiple of 1024: 5120 samples. The minimum VAC buffer
size is two audio buffers.

These changes are made ahead of properly implementing a variable rate
resampler which will properly and accurately match the radio's samplerate
with the audio hardware (real or virtual). The buffer scaling has been
included now after receiving favorable reports of latency improvements from
early testers.

* Other minor bug-fixes and improvements include:
CAT Command support for ZZFR, ZZFS, and ZZCN was added.
ZZFR - Reads or sets the RX2 DSP Filter High value
ZZFS - Reads or sets the RX2 DSP Filter Low value
ZZCN - Reads or sets the CTUN button for RX1

CTUN control was added to the DJ Console Controller.

The 'BYPASS on Tx', 'Ext 2 on Tx', and 'Ext1 on Tx' work correctly when
using the "Disable BYPASS' feature.

You WILL need to reset your database.
« Modifié: 14 Mai 2015, 09:48:51 par VA2NA Guillaume »