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Elecraft K3 & K3s - 160 - 2 m, 100-W High Performance All-Mode Transceiver

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VE2UGO Hugo:
ELECRAFT K3 - 160 - 2 m, 100-W High Performance All-Mode Transceiver


Elecraft continu toujours le développement de son produit, le K3.

Voici le dernier Firmware:

MCU 4.86 / DSP 2.83, 6/10/2014

Latest Production Release
IMPORTANT: MCU 4.67 must be loaded with the new K3 Utility, Version or later.
This release will automatically be recognized by K3 Utility.
See K3 Firmware Release Notes  for a complete revision history.

Note: For KPAK3AUX cable use between the KPA500 and K3, K3 Version 4.36, or later, must be loaded.

FAQ: Consolidated Release of K-Line Firmware
(How to setup VFO Tracking for your KAT500 and K3)

* REAR HEADPHONE JACK CONTROL: The rear headphone jack (on the KIO3) was recently changed to a different type whose speaker-cutout switch logic is inverted from the original. If speaker audio is missing even without phones plugged in, you'll need to change the setup. Locate CONFIG:SPKR+PH, then tap '1' to switch to "PH.R SW-" (inverted). Tapping a second time reverts back to the original setting, "PH.R SW+".

* FSK-D (RTTY) POWER-CONTROL BUG FIX: Power output can now be increased while in transmit mode when using FSK-D.

* KAT500 ATU SUPPORT: Automatic retuning of KAT500 LC network as K3 VFO is moved. VFO frequency messages are sent via the auxBus. Sends VFO A frequency except in SPLIT mode, where VFO B frequency is sent.
   To enable automatic KAT500 VFO tracking:
      - Locate the K3's CONFIG:KAT3 menu entry,
      - Tap '1' until you see "KAT500Y". (The other selection is "KAT500N", the default, which turns VFO tracking off.)

* XVTR IF BAND CAN NOW BE 10 OR 18 MHZ (in addition to the original selections).

* RTTY BAUD RATE NO LONGER STORED PER-BAND/PER-MEMORY: The FSK-D/AFSK-A baud rate (45 or 75 baud) is now global, meaning that one setting applies in all cases. The band rate is set by holding DATA MD, selecting FSK-D or AFSK-A using VFO B, then selecting the baud rate using VFO A.

* FIXED MACRO EXECUTION BUG AFFECTING "SB", "MD", "DV", "BW" commands. These would sometimes not work correctly when used in macros.

* /FSK IMPROVEMENT: In FSK-D mode using an PC-generated FSK input, the K3 no longer exhibits DSP errors (ERR DSE) or loss of communications. Previously, these may have occurred when the K3 was sent too many serial (RS232) commands.

* NO LOSS OF RS232 DATA DURING BAND CHANGES: On any band change, the K3 sends band data to possibly-connected XV-series transverters and the KRC2. This takes 15 milliseconds, during which RS232 data (from PC applications) was locked out. RS232 data is now properly handled during this time, which could eliminate some K3-to-PC communications issues on band change.

*LOGGING OF REMOTE-CONTROL COMMAND ERRORS (ERR DSE): Rapid polling of the K3 by a PC application program can in rare cases result in overflow of the K3's internal serial data buffer, leading to the execution of an invalid control command and a subsequent internal
MCU-DSP communications error. When this occurs, the K3 will now send "E*DSEn;" to the attached host, where <n> is 0 if the error occurred when addressing the main DSP and 1 for the aux DSP. Application developers can then consult their communications log file to see what commands were being sent at the time.

* For those using PC software:
BW and FW (BANDWIDTH) SET COMMANDS SENT DURING TX ARE REJECTED (K3 returns "?;"). This prevents a possible DSP error (ERR DSE). A future release will allow use of these commands, as well as the "WIDTH" control.
DV and SB (DIVERSITY and SUB) SET COMMANDS SENT DURING TX ARE REJECTED (K3 returns "?;"). This avoids possible side-effects.

* For those using Remote Rig mode:
REMOTE-RIG BUG FIXES: (1) speaker mute when entering TERM mode; (2) MODE display swap on PTT; (3) connection lost during PTT (when K3 was out of band before entering TERM mode); (4) encoder commands with VFO A/B locked before entering TERM mode; (5) VFO B lock now working in remote mode.

* RIT CAN NOW BE TURNED ON/OFF DURING TX: This applies to both the RIT switch and the "RT" remote-control command. Note: If RIT is turned on or off during transmission of a CW character, the length of one code element may be affected. This will be corrected in a future release.

* CRYSTAL FILTER OFFSET ADJUSTABLE IN CW MODE: You can now set the crystal filter lower edge in CW mode to 0.1, 0.2, or 0.3 kHz above zero beat. The default is 0.2 kHz. The 0.1-kHz selection provides enhanced bass response, but may allow you to hear a low-pitched opposite-sideband signal when tuned near very strong signals. The 0.3-kHz selection may be preferred by some operators in extremely strong-signal environments. To change the setting: Select CW mode, then go into MENU:RX EQ and tap '0' (CWT) to choose the desired XFIL LO value.

* A>B SWITCH TAP SENDS VFO UPDATE IN "AI2" MODE: This is useful for those writing computer-control applications.

Beta K3 Firmware Revisions
MCU 4.93 / DSP 2.83, 10/16/2014

* PSK63 MODE ADDED: To select PSK31 or PSK63, first tap either end of the MODE switch to select DATA, then hold the DATA MD switch and use VFO A to select the PSK data rate.
* KAT500 POWER-ON REMINDER ON K3 DISPLAY: If a powered-off KAT500 is pulling the auxBus signal low when the K3 is first turned on, "TURN ON KAT500" is displayed. Previously this condition would lock up the K3 without explanation.
* K3/0-MINI TX NOISE REDUCTION:  Polling by Remote-Rig units is suspended during PTT use to reduce a "ticking" noise heard in some cases.

* Changes to synthesizer, KXV3, and KPA3 device drivers (no effect on normal operation).

Puisque certaines fonctions du KX3 proviennent du K3, est-ce que celui-ci aura droit également au PSK63? C'est à suivre!
Intéressant de voir que depuis 2007, le produit est toujours en constante évolution!

VE2UGO Hugo:
Beta K3 Firmware Revisions
MCU 5.08 / DSP 2.83, 1/22/2015

* SYNTHESIZER TEST ON POWER-UP FIXED: The synthesizer presence check was not being done correctly in all cases.
* KPA3 DRIVE LIMITS SAVED: Per-band limits on KPA3 drive level were introduced in rev. 5.04. If a memory was recalled that had been programmed before the 50-W TX gain calibration was done on the current band, the drive limit would be lost. Those who loaded rev. 5.04 should load 5.08 and re-do the 50-Watt gain calibration, which is automated by K3 Utility.

VE2UGO Hugo:
Suite au nouveau Synthesizer Upgrade du K3, Sherwood a réévalué le rang du radio et le situe maintenant en 2e place sous le FlexRadio Systems 6700. L'ancien synthesizer du K3 le situe au 6e rang au moment de l'écriture.

Le KX3 est 4e dans cette même liste. 

Sherwood: http://www.sherweng.com/table.html

KSYN3A Synthesizer Upgrade Kit for K3: http://www.elecraft.com/order_form_parts.htm#K3%20Parts

The KSYN3A is included on all new K3s shipped starting 1/23/2015, s/n 8801 and later.

The KSYN3A synthesizer module is a completely new design that improves on the original KSYN3 in several ways:

The KSYN3A significantly improves the K3's already excellent RX and TX phase noise at close carrier spacings. This in turn noticeably improves the K3's top performing close spaced Rx dynamic range, yielding even better weak signal detection in the presence of strong signals.


The KSYN3A is virtually immune to both physical vibration and magnetic coupling, and operates over a very wide temperature range.

The KSYN3A extends VFO tuning down to 100 kHz, with sensitivity gradually falling off below 450 kHz. Transmit output is as high as 1.0 mW for use with a suitable external amplifier. (Note: 600-m and below operation also requires the KBPF3 and KXV3 options.)

Current K3 Firmware Revisions
MCU 5.10 / DSP 2.83, 2/6/2015
Latest Production Release

Those who loaded rev. 5.10 must re-do the 50-Watt gain calibration.

*EASIER DIVERSITY RECEIVE SELECTION: A regular hold of SUB now goes directly into diversity receive, without first having to go through "LINK". This should benefit most users of the KRX3 sub receiver, since few use the VFO linking function. Those who do use VFO linking can still turn it on by setting CONFIG:VFO LNK to ON. This menu entry can be assigned to a programmable function switch for easy selection if desired, eliminating the need to bring up the menu. Note: Remote-control command "LN" is another way to accomplish VFO linking.

*DIVERSITY-MODE FIX: Diversity mode with mis-matched crystal filters was in some cases resulting in the main and sub receivers being offset.

*PREAMP ICON FIX: In some cases the "PRE" icon was left in the incorrect state.

*REMOVED CONFIG:DUAL PB MENU ENTRY: This menu entry isn't needed since the K3's original, idiosyncratic "DUAL PB" function for CW mode ("context/focus" filtering) is no longer supported. APF (audio peaking filter) was added later; it is far more effective and of greater utility. In conjunction with this, the DUAL PB front-panel switch now always selects APF in CW mode. (In AFSK-D and FSK-D modes,

*DUAL PB still turns the dual-peak audio filter on/off.)


VE2PID Pierre:
K3, Sherwood a réévalué le rang du radio et le situe maintenant en 2e place sous le FlexRadio Systems 6700. L'ancien synthesizer du K3 le situe au 6e rang au moment de l'écriture. Le KX3 est 4e dans cette même liste. 

Zut alors ... le KX3 descend un brin dans la liste :( mais au moins ça reste dans la même famille  ...   :D

Ces temps-ci, je me rends compte de l’excellence de l'APF en CW du KX3 (identique à celui  du K3). Je m'en sers pour traiter un fort QRN local. Avec le  filtre APF à 30 Hz, ça parvient généralement à laisser passer le signal utile malgré tout.

Mon explication: Sherwood considère que le critère #1 de classement est le dynamic range, c'est-à-dire la robustesse, maintenue par la radio, du signal désiré devant les attaques des autres signaux parasites très proches. C'est ce qui donne le classement dans sa liste, c-à-dire par ordre de dynamic range décroissant avec un signal parasite proche (2 kHz).

Le QRN dont je parle peut être assimilé à une série de pics autour du signal que je veux. Avec l'APF (30 Hz), une grande partie de ces pics sont hors de la bande passante. Et le dynamic range fait que les signaux parasites restants dans la bande passante ont peu ou pas d'influence, pour les appareils de qualité du haut de la liste. On peut donc parvenir à établir la communication dans ces conditions adverses.

Je crois donc que le dynamic range est un choix logique pour établir les meilleurs récepteurs.

(On me corrigera si je suis dans l'erreur.  ;) )
PS: Dynamic Range: C'est la différence en dB entre le plus faible signal perceptible par la radio et le plus fort signal qui peut être présent sans que le signal faible soit affecté négativement.

VE2UGO Hugo:
La différence est légère par contre entre la 1ere et la 4e place!!!

Puisque le KX3 a été testé en 2012, je me demande si avec le dernier firmware s'il y aurait amélioration de la position?

Intéressant de voir qu'Elecraft continue le développement de leur produit après environ 9 années...


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