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Les dépôts pour Radioamateur.ca => Le dépôt de liens pour Radioamateur.ca => Discussion démarrée par: VE2UGO Hugo le 29 Mars 2014, 21:40:29

Titre: TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 29 Mars 2014, 21:40:29
TX FACTOR amateur radio explored  (http://www.txfilms.co.uk/txfactor/)

Welcome to TX Factor!
TX Factor is a brand new series of high definition TV shows covering all aspects of the hobby which is amateur radio
Our presenters explore the history of amateur radio, rigs, antennas, operating modes, propagation, sport radio, training, club news, RSGB news, world news - in fact, anything and everything!
TX Factor is a professionally produced programme presented by radio amateurs for radio amateurs - so watch our latest episodes and find out what the TX Factor has to offer
Click on the links to the various episodes to watch via our own viewer or via our YouTube channel

http://www.txfilms.co.uk/txfactor/txfactor.shtml (http://www.txfilms.co.uk/txfactor/txfactor.shtml)

 TX Factor - Episode 1  (http://youtu.be/Ia5TeYPdwbY)

TX date 21st February 2014
Bob McCreadie G0FGX explores one of the most famous transmission sites in the world: The Marconi Centre, at Poldhu in Cornwall
Nick Bennett 2E0FGQ takes a hike up a mountain in Shropshire to discover the delights of SOTA activating
Mike Marsh G1IAR keeps his feet firmly on the ground at the Norman Lockyer Observatory Radio Group in east Devon to find out what makes a 2 metre repeater tick

 TX Factor - Episode 2  (http://youtu.be/mhpUj6EkpB4)

TX date 21st March 2014
Mike visits the Bath Buildathon to see what's involved in constructing a 14MHz PSK receiver kit
We welcome two special guests to talk about and demonstrate the FUNcube Dongle and the FUNcube Satellite
We look at the features of Yaesu's new FT-DX1200 transceiver
Bob gets a guided tour of the RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park and GB3RS complete with a SteppIR that's tilting due to the winter storms!
Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 18 Mai 2014, 19:04:28
 Episode 3 (TXF003)  (http://youtu.be/rvpXWMJJejQ)

TX date 16th May 2014

Bob and Mike assist Roger G4ROJ with his amazing kite aerials. Nick pays a visit to Ben Nock G4BXD at his Military Wireless Museum in Kidderminster and discovers Ben's impressive collection of war sets and spy sets. Mike reports from the Exeter Radio and Electronics Rally to find out what people expect from a rally in the 21st century. We also review a new quad-band mobile radio from Wouxun.
Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais
Posté par: VE2OK Jean le 19 Mai 2014, 17:26:06
 8) Intéressant l'idée d'utiliser un cerf-volant pour créer une antenne temporaire.
Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais
Posté par: VA2JOT Jacques le 20 Mai 2014, 09:16:47
Lors d'une sortie de club, j'ai tenté l'expérience sur le Mt St-Joseph, un sommet voisin du Mt-Mégantic avec un cerf-volant delta de 6' d'envergure. Malheureusement, le vent vint à manquer même si ce sommet est réputé être venteux ;-(

Le hic est que cela prend un "pilote" pendant que l'autre OM opère la radio et que les aléas du vol font que cela se pratique plus facilement avec une radio équipée d'un synto automatique.

(voici un cas typique de digression, aurais-je dû m'abstenir ou ouvrir un autre fil de discussion pour commenter sur le pilotage d'un cerf-volant avec antenne HF en remorque ?)  ;)
Titre: Re : Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 22 Mai 2014, 08:50:47
(...) (voici un cas typique de digression, aurais-je dû m'abstenir ou ouvrir un autre fil de discussion pour commenter sur le pilotage d'un cerf-volant avec antenne HF en remorque ?)  ;)

Bonjour Jacques,
je comprends ton interrogation! Dans ce cas présent, je crois qu'il ne s'agit que d'un commentaire succinct très intéressant démontrant ton expérience qui est directement en lien avec la vidéo que j'ai publié. Par contre, comme tu comprends le principe d'un forum, afin de faciliter l'organisation de l'informations et de la retrouver facilement ultérieurement (c'est l'objectif premier), s'il y a à discuter plus techniquement et à développer, je crois qu'il serait plus opportun de créer un sujet dans la section appropriée afin que d'autres en bénéficient plus tard...

Pierre (VE2PID), a eu l'initiative de créer un sujet suite à cette publication concernant les "antennes cerf-volant". Suivre le lien: Antennes cerf-volant. (http://forum.radioamateur.ca/index.php?topic=9846.0) pour en discuter plus en longueur.

Titre: Re : Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 26 Juillet 2014, 20:31:14
 Episode 4 (TXF004)  (http://youtu.be/BW251B57ZgY?list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT)


TX date 25th July 2014

Episode 4 is a Friedrichshafen special. Filmed on location at the annual Ham Radio convention on the shores of Lake Constance (Germany), the TX Factor Team brings the flavour and diversity of the show to those who couldn't manage to get there this year.
Bob and Mike report on ham radio technology old and new, including a look at the new System Fusion DR-1 144/430 Dual Band C4FM/FM Digital Repeater from Yaesu, and an amazing transceiver from Hilberling.
The team chats to John Alexander G7GCK from the UK's National Museum of Computing; Paul Bigwood G3WYW from Yaesu about the exciting new System Fusion Digital repeater; Don Field G3XTT - editor of practical Wireless Magazine; Bob Inderbitzen NQ1R from ARRL about the League's centenary celebrations; Lou Dietrich N2TU and his recent award successes; Jan Hauschildt DH7JH from Hilberling on the 'Rolls Royce' of transceivers; John Gould G3WKL current President of the RSGB and Dieter Hamberger on Icom's IC-7100 transceiver.
There's also a chance to win a Yaesu FT-60E dual-band handie in our first free-to-enter competition.

 L'ensemble des vidéos TX Factor  (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT)
Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 07 Août 2014, 12:28:30

TX Factor font également TXtra

Il s'agit de petit vidéo entre les épisodes de TX Factor. Présentement, il s'agit d'évaluation de deux(2) émetteurs de radioamateur.

TXtra (http://www.txfilms.co.uk/txfactor/txtra.shtml)

At last, the long wait is over!
Introducing TXtra - extra features of new and exciting content related to amateur radio and associated technology for watching in-between times!
TXtra features are released between the main TX Factor epiosdes and appear on our TX Factor YouTube channel and on our TX player here on the web site.

Icom ID-5100 Rig Review (TRA001) (http://youtu.be/0DIE-K_X4uE?list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT)


TX date 25th April 2014

Bob McCreadie G0FGX and Chris Ridley G8GKC discuss the new baby from Icom - the yet to be released ID-5100 dual-band, D-STAR mobile rig

FlexRadio Systems FLEX-6300 Review (TRA002) (http://youtu.be/zWpHJNXx9Nc?list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT)


TX date 2nd August 2014

Bob McCreadie G0FGX and Sanderly Jeronimo M6SEJ demonstrate the new entry-level SDR from FlexRadio Systems
Titre: Re : Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais
Posté par: VE2DSK Réal le 08 Août 2014, 09:00:32
TX Factor

 Salut Hugo...
  pour le bien de tous les lecteurs, il serait préférable de redimentionner vos images inscerées..
Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais
Posté par: VE2PID Pierre le 08 Août 2014, 09:12:46
Même remarque concernant ta signature Hugo en bas de tes messages.... beaucoup trop gros.......
Titre: Re : Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 08 Août 2014, 09:22:34
Même remarque concernant ta signature Hugo en bas de tes messages.... beaucoup trop gros.......

Tout les goûts sont dans la nature!

Pierre, merci de me contacter en privé quand tes commentaires ou recommandations ne sont pas en lien avec le sujet du ''post'' au lieu de polluer le fil.

Merci de ta compréhension!

Réal, ici la photo n'a pas cette apparence. Elle ressort entière. Je la vois entièrement même sur le portable! Désolé du désagrément!

(http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/670069TXtraOKForum.png) (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=670069TXtraOKForum.png)
Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 25 Septembre 2014, 19:35:03
Episode 5 (TXF005)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnxAJO0s9wY&list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT&index=1)


TX date 25th September 2014

AMSAT UK - Colloqium
In this episode Bob McCreadie reports from the recent AMSAT-UK Colloquium, held at the Holiday Inn in Guilford across a whole weekend in July.
The event begins on the Friday afternoon and over the whole weekend there are around 16 presentations on Amateur Satellites and space-related projects, the AMSAT Shop is also a very popular attraction.

It's not just open to AMSAT members but to anyone interested in the fascinating subject of amateur satellites and communicating through them. It attracts delegates from all over the world and provides a unique opportunity to meet some of the people who've designed and built the satellites as well as those who use them.

This year the event ran from the 25th to the 27th of July.

To find out more about AMSAT visit www.amsat-uk.org. Where you'll find lots of information there to help you get started with satellites as well as the latest developments in amateur space communication. There is also an excellent RSGB Produced PDF document called Getting Started on Amateur Satellites available here
SuperAntenna Superstick delux package
The Super Antenna MP1 DLX Deluxe package was kindly loaned by Martin Lynch and Sons Ltd andincludes
Model MP1DLX - Advertised as 80m to 2m , although the instructions do suggest it also works on 70cms, although we haven't tried it!
The kit also includes the TM2 Tripod, the Weight Bag, the UM2Universal Mount, the GB1 Go Bag, the FG1 Frequency Guide, the MR2010 Counterpoise and the MC 80 Coil for 80M.

During our portable test at Ham Hill in Somerset we couldn't achieve a better than 2 to 1 SWR on 40m, but easily achieved lower readings on the higher frequency bands.

The counterpoise kit that came with the antenna was the MR2010 which is a tuned radial set for 20m through to 10m although it will work down to 7MHz when ground coupled. This explains why the SWR was so much better on 20m!

There is an optional tuned counterpoise kit available specifically for 40m through to 20m (the MR2040) as well as the MR8060 for 80m and 60m and the MR1710 for 17m through to 10m.

There is even a MR642 kit for 6m through to 70cms. Presumably using the specific kit for the band in use will improve the SWR and antenna efficiency.

As this is a relatively small antenna on all of the HF bands it's a compromise antenna, so you're sacrificing the efficiency of larger resonant antennas for lightweight portability. You'll find, particularly on the lower HF bands, that running more power will help you break through on the noisy bands that many operators experience at their home QTH.

When out portable you have the advantage on receive of getting away from the man-made noise. We found we could copy plenty of stations from all around Europe on 7MHz and even with just 5 Watts from the FT-817 managed Several QSOs
Full details of the MP1 DLX package can be found at www.hamradio.co.uk

You can download specs and manuals and see other products at www.newsuperantenna.com

Silcoates School Amateur Radio Club MX0SSW
Nick Bennett travels north and discovers a rather remarkable radio club at Silcoates School in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

The club would be happy to hear from viewers via the following email address: radioclub@silcoates.org.uk
We would also be interested in hearing from any teacher or youth worker who is looking towards introducing amateur radio to young people.

We would like to point out that all participants were supervised at all times by a full licensee whether or not the supervisor was in camera shot.
Silcoates School extends thanks to the following:

MW0JZE, Anthony, manufacturer of our 6-Band Hexbeam
Sam Ruddy, Yaesu UK providing parts to mend our rotator
M0OXO, Charles, QSL management and general assistance
G1YNH, Chris, continuing support and exam invigilation
Martin Lynch and Sons, untiring support of young people in the hobby
As well as the very helpful staff at the RSGB!

We would also like to mention Joe 2E0NIV and Dan M6SNW who were unable to attend filming, but are attending Cambridge University this year. Also Ben M6SSW, who has just passed the Intermediate examination. The Foundation courses for year 2014/15 are already gaining much interest!
The school station comprises:
Antenna: 6-Band Hexbeam by Ant MW0JZE - Yaesu G-1000DXC Rotator, Trapped Dipole for 80/40 Metres, Colinears for VHF and APRS (All 60 feet above ground on School roof)
Transceiver: Yaesu FT-2000 Transceiver for HF with Data management unit 2000, Yaesu FT-2800 for 2 Metres
Sound: Yaesu SP-6 External Speaker, Yaesu MD-200A8X Dynamic Microphone
Amplifier: ACOM 1000 Linear Amplifier
IT: Three custom Intel PCs running Windows XP, Logger 32, MixW 3.1.1 with Tigertronics Signalink USB interface for Data. PCs display the club log, Google Earth, DXSummit, and QRZ.com lookups.
APRS: We are also equipped with an APRS transmitter, a Navico AMR-1000, using a PacComm Tiny 2 Mk2 Packet card. The APRS is located in the School Shack, and is active when we are on air.

The outdoor feature equipment was:
Yaesu FT-857, Bandhopper Dipole, 2 metre Yagi, and guying system by SOTABeams UK, MFJ-971 Tuner, Honda IC 2.0 Petrol Generator, PowerMite PSU.
Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 29 Septembre 2014, 19:07:22
Versions sous-titrées en français  (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG34oDNUPkhQOmKqm1Vvl4rCRtyupPXpf)


*Voici les 2 premiers épisodes sous-titrées en français

Episode 1 (TXF001 - French Subtitles)  (http://youtu.be/RrEnshctY_c?list=PLG34oDNUPkhQOmKqm1Vvl4rCRtyupPXpf)

TX Factor, la première chaîne TV en Grande Bretagne entièrement dédiée aux radioamateurs.

Bob McCreadie G0FGX explore un des sites de transmission les plus célèbres du monde: The Marconi Centre

Nick Bennett 2E0FGQ grimpe une barre rocheuse dans le Shropshire pour découvrir le plaisir d'activer ces points hauts dans le cadre du diplôme SOTA.

Les pieds bien sur terre dans le Devon, Mike Marsh G1IAR est à la recherche de ce qui fait marcher un repeater de 2 mètres.

* Nous voudrions remercier Franck F4HFQ, Laurent F6FVY, Philippe F8BXI et Laurent F8GQH pour leur aide avec ce projet - sous-titrés en français.

Episode 2 (TXF002 - French Subtitles)  (http://youtu.be/HuaUzjrYJoU?list=PLG34oDNUPkhQOmKqm1Vvl4rCRtyupPXpf)

Mike s'est rendu au Buildathon de Bath pour suivre la construction d'un récepteur PSK 14 MHz.

Nous accueillerons deux invités d'honneur, ils viendront nous parler et présenter l'utilisation des FUNcube Dongle et FUNcube Satellite.

Nous nous intéresserons de près aux fonctionnalités du nouveau Yaesu FTDX-1200.

Bob aura droit à une visite guidée du National Radio Centre de la RSGB à Bletchey Park.
Titre: Re : Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 06 Octobre 2014, 21:36:56
Versions sous-titrées en français  (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG34oDNUPkhQOmKqm1Vvl4rCRtyupPXpf)

TX Factor - Episode 3 (TXF003 - French Subtitles)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jqc1oJu7Kmk&list=PLG34oDNUPkhQOmKqm1Vvl4rCRtyupPXpf&index=1)


Bob et Mike vont aider Roger G4ROJ à déployer d'impressionnantes antennes arrimées à des cerfs-volants.

Nick rend visite à Ben Nock G4BXD au Military Wireless Museum à Kidderminster pour y découvrir une collection d'appareils militaires et d'espionnages.

Mike se déplace à Exeter pour la brocante radioamateur et électronique.

Nous passerons en revue un nouveau transceiver quadribande de chez Wouxun.
Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 20 Novembre 2014, 06:16:34
 Episode 6 (TXF006)  (http://youtu.be/tMwYOvtRqbY?list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT)

(http://www.txfilms.co.uk/txfactor/vmarskit1.jpg)  (http://youtu.be/tMwYOvtRqbY?list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT)

TX date 20th November 2014

Featuring the best from the UK's biggest rally, National Hamfest 2014.

The team meets the exhibitors and visitors and brings a flavour of this amazing annual ham event to those who couldn't make it this time.
There's also a chance to win the compact, yet function-packed dual band VX-3 transceiver in our next free-to-enter competition.

(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tMwYOvtRqbY/mqdefault.jpg) (http://youtu.be/tMwYOvtRqbY?list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT)
Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 16 Février 2015, 23:20:40
 Episode 7 (TXF007)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_PxaPHJY8M&list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT&index=1)

(http://www.txfilms.co.uk/txfactor/innov3.jpg)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_PxaPHJY8M&list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT&index=1)

TX date 13th February 2015

The show investigates the issues of recruiting young people to the hobby and visits a veteran amateur who's an inspiration to us all!
We discover what the IOTA programme has to celebrate and test an innovative 2 metre antenna which can be won in our next draw.

Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 30 Avril 2015, 15:41:22
Versions sous-titrées en français  (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG34oDNUPkhQOmKqm1Vvl4rCRtyupPXpf)

TX Factor - Episode 4 (TXF004 - French Subtitles)  (https://youtu.be/eZFrPnKV1cQ?list=PLG34oDNUPkhQOmKqm1Vvl4rCRtyupPXpf)
TX date 25th July 2014 (Première diffusion version anglaise)

(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/eZFrPnKV1cQ/mqdefault.jpg)  (https://youtu.be/eZFrPnKV1cQ?list=PLG34oDNUPkhQOmKqm1Vvl4rCRtyupPXpf)

L’épisode 4 est dédié au salon radioamateur de Friedrichshafen qui se situe sur les rives du lac de Constance en Allemagne. Pour tous ceux qui n’ont pu s’y rendre, l’équipe de TX Factor vous fait découvrir l’ambiance et la diversité de ce salon.

En participant à notre concours, il est également possible de gagner dans cet épisode un bi-bande FM Yaesu FT-60E.

Titre: Re : Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 08 Mai 2015, 18:02:05
 TX Factor - Episode 8 (TXF008)  (https://youtu.be/VHAjRvLQhEw?list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT)
TX date 6th May 2015

(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/VHAjRvLQhEw/mqdefault.jpg)  (https://youtu.be/VHAjRvLQhEw?list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT)

In this extended episode we meet the man at the helm of PW Magazine, the family guys who run Icom UK and two amateurs who help to keep BBC radio on the air.

Plus, your chance to win a FUNcube Dongle Pro!.

Titre: Re : Re : Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 10 Juin 2015, 23:44:56
 TXtra - D-STAR and Icom RS-MS1A Android App (TRA003)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPG08GRWtQk&index=1&list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT)
TX date 9th June 2015

(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EPG08GRWtQk/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=196&h=110&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=MEjKpU9GzimATSgxUeXnQ4IevVI)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPG08GRWtQk&index=1&list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT)

Bob McCreadie G0FGX discovers more about how D-STAR works and experiences the Icom RS-MS1A Android app with help and guidance from Icom's Don Turner G4TKR.
Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 08 Septembre 2015, 18:33:05
TX Factor - Episode 9 (TXF009)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDMDF2u0QRA&list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT&index=1)
TX date 2nd September 2015

(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kDMDF2u0QRA/mqdefault.jpg)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDMDF2u0QRA&list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT&index=1)

Featuring ham radio Essex-style! We visit the south east to report on the work of Chelmsford ARS, Essex Repeater Group and Essex Ham. And we're giving away a CG-PK4 Pocket Memory Keyer in our free-to-enter draw.
Since the launch of this show, we have heard the sad news of the passing of Clive Ward G1EUC. Clive is a major contributor in this episode, and all who watch the programme cannot fail to be impressed by his passion and dedication to the hobby of amateur radio over many years.

Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 16 Avril 2016, 06:02:18
TX Factor - Episode 10 (TXF010)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afunOPeM6Z0&list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT&index=1)
TX date 26th February 2016

It's out of this world - well, almost!
Mike Marsh returns to his old school in Ottery Saint Mary, Devon to learn how science lessons have changed since he was a lad.
Bob keeps his feet firmly on the ground at his native Cornwall to see why the letter 'K' has been making its presence felt. While he's there, he visits Goonhilly Earth Station to meet Arthur, the satellite dish that made history in the early 1960s and its modern-day equivalent.
Steve Venner G0TAN shows us the ins and outs of the Yaesu FT-991 all-band transceiver.
And the folks at TX Factor make a plea for help.

(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/afunOPeM6Z0/mqdefault.jpg)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afunOPeM6Z0&list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT&index=1)
Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 05 Juillet 2016, 01:15:40
Episode 11 (TXF011)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpUDArlvVuM&index=1&list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT)
TX date 6th June 2016

In this special edition, we follow the progress of one Devon School in their attempt to be one of the ten lucky UK schools to link up with Tim Peake aboard the International Space Station.

We go behind the scenes with the ARISS team to meet the members and see the technology that helped to make the UK schools' link-ups such a great success.

(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hpUDArlvVuM/mqdefault.jpg)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpUDArlvVuM&index=1&list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT)
Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 27 Juillet 2016, 16:11:50
Episode 12 (TXF012)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qXtPgntnsc&list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT&index=1)
TX date 27th July 2016

(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8qXtPgntnsc/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=320&h=180&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=rqWuUFMLfyMs4i23gYfjkhsrYlo)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qXtPgntnsc&list=PLG34oDNUPkhTV275iiunkSbO9Y6WYvNrT&index=1)

In this extended summer episode, there is not one, but two rig reviews. The Sun Expert Electronics Transceiver MB1 and the elusive Icom IC-7300 are comprehensively analyzed by ML&S' Gary Spiers M0TIG and Chris Ridley G8GKC from Icom UK.
Also in this show, Bob teaches Mike a thing or two about amateur satellite operating, and our free-to-enter-draw is back with a chance to win a copy of the recently revised and updated Getting Started with Amateur Satellites book featured in the item.

Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 04 Novembre 2016, 11:04:54
TX Factor - Episode 13 (TXF013)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfaNtwsEk1A)
TX date 5th November 2016

(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vfaNtwsEk1A/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=196&h=110&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=ygAJzr6P_EGPGLpASIlgE3vyR2c)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfaNtwsEk1A)

An autumn feast of amateur radio content in this ‘13 - lucky for some’ episode of TX Factor!

Bob gets to weigh up the latest offering of digital transceivers with Gary from ML&S.

We chat about the weather with two experts who always look on the bright side. Jim Bacon and Steve Nichols explain how we can work with the prevailing conditions to maximise our chances of good DX.

And Bob realises a boyhood dream by reliving the heady days of offshore radio on the UK’s high seas.

Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 28 Janvier 2017, 18:48:19
TX Factor - Episode 14 (TXF014)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnLAC2STOgg)
TX date 25th January 2017

(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WnLAC2STOgg/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=196&h=110&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&bri=0.3&sigh=NJCtu2gqhr0l5OpCYw8eX4u4rkw)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnLAC2STOgg)

For your winter entertainment - enjoy part two of our informative series on HF and VHF propagation. Steve Nichols G0KYA concludes with his explanation on how space weather affects our ability to communicate on the HF bands.

Bob parts with some cash at Hamfest and Mike chats to Phil Willis M0PHI and Cathy Clark G1GQJ, two movers and shakers in the world of amateur radio.

Our free-to-enter-draw is back with a chance to win a copy of Radio Propagation Explained by Steve Nichols.
Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 20 Mars 2017, 16:27:22
TX Factor - Episode 15 (TXF015)  (https://youtu.be/vUBcHmS9MIA)
TX date 17th March 2017

(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vUBcHmS9MIA/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=196&h=110&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&bri=0.3&sigh=ak8YY3ktsKOC-VCTgGmYHolPDAc)  (https://youtu.be/vUBcHmS9MIA)

Bob gives an overview of the RS-BA1 remote control software for the Icom IC-7300.

We meet two youngsters with a passion for amateur radio.

And Mike and Bob head off to Bristol and spend a day with some very enthusiastic members of the British Amateur Television Club to learn all about digital amateur television.

Titre: Re : TV Show pour Radioamateur - TX Factor - Anglais + sous-titrée Français
Posté par: VE2UGO Hugo le 23 Mai 2017, 20:25:40
TX Factor - Episode 16 (TXF016)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je3jisi-CIw)
TX date 19th May 2017

(https://i.ytimg.com/vi/je3jisi-CIw/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=196&h=110&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&bri=0.3&sigh=fTO53WpjXAH01of0PJ46B_qfR3U)  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je3jisi-CIw)

Our new team member Pete Sipple looks forward to Youngsters On The Air 2017 and chats to some key players at this summer’s UK event. Pete finds time to take an eager look at the new dual-band handie offering from Kenwood - the TH-D74E with D-STAR.

Bob chats to our friend Bob Inderbitzen from the ARRL about the League’s worldwide presence .

Mike investigates two clever devices from SOTAbeams that will help to improve the filtering of your FT-817 and check the efficiency of your HF antenna respectively.

(http://www.txfilms.co.uk/txfactor/images/peteandtony-255.jpg) (http://www.txfilms.co.uk/txfactor/images/wsprlite-207.jpg)